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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Bully by Shinedown free essay sample
Shinedown is a stunning musical gang. Not at all like the trashy popular music we state is acceptable now a days, that rotates around sex, drugs,and liquor, their melodies have a genuine importance and message. The melody Bully is imperative to me by and by. We have all had individuals single out us and get us down. I let that get to me for quite a long time! This melody instructs that harassers arent justified, despite all the trouble; we can stop them. As it says We Dont need to take this back against the divider we dont need to take it by any means. We have to go to bat for things, beginning with ourselfs. Each CHILD SHOULD WATCH THIS MANDATORY! I do concur its not appropriet for little youngsters however center school up we get this, the melody is an association. At times music is the best way to get through, I know its the main thing that caused me to accept im not the only one, nobody ought to ever need to feel alone however you will. We will compose a custom paper test on Menace by Shinedown or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Go to bat for something regardless of whether it implies remaining solitary your sure to find support en route. Never let another person mention to you what your life will resemble. In 6th grade I figured out how to manage menaces; I even offered some kind of reparation with certain individuals who didnt recognize my existance. This year my companion who is bashful and aloof was being annoyed in lunch. Enormous unnerving children who pulled off everything since educators fear them were singling out her. She did all that she knew to stop them (everything the school locale state to) documented grumblings in the workplace moved her seat. That aggravated it we had relegated seats and she had to move back they called her a nark and wouldnt leave her be. I revealed to them they expected to lay off. My voice was horse before that week's over. I wound up being fliped off, had food tossed at me and was almost in a battle with a person all young ladies fear. I did this any ways in light of the fact that shes my companion and she didnt have the right to be dealt with like that. This tune is a message saying we have to stand up for our self as well as everyone around us. Mental fortitude isn't the nonattendance of dread its being terrified to death and doing whats right at any rate. cited from an obscure source. Next time you see somebody being put down assistance them up and dont let them fall once more.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gangs and gang behavior - week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Packs and posse conduct - week 5 - Essay Example Page 126 shows a rundown of the considerable number of issues in networks, for example, accessibility of guns, savagery and different issues. These issues lead to different issues for the individuals from the general public, for example, youngsters as noted in page 127, for kids between 12 years to 17 years. For instance, it is notable that the group individuals in a general public who are the most awful and fierce are normally the ones who are typically regarded and applauded by different individuals and even a few individuals from the general public. In disorder hypothesis, a kid gets impact from existing individuals in the general public. In the event that the youngster gets presented to such perspectives or convictions, accepting that the most fierce group part is the most regarded, at that point this kid additionally embraces a similar pattern, as noted in page 128 on hazard factors. This is the place the formative hypothesis comes in, on the grounds that such a youngster who is under an inappropriate impact sees the group life as the best decision. In this manner, it isn't unexpected to see such a kid bombing in school and receiving the criminal like conduct while attempting with the goal that the person likewise gets a similar regard. In section 5, page 119, Howell obviously expresses that the advancement speculations clarify more on posse joining, as a major aspect of an improvement procedure. As kid, for example, the one referenced in the model who joins a group in view of impact from the local packs is additionally prone to impact other youngsters, for example, their companions. Consequently, it turns into an advancement procedure as proposed in the improvement hypotheses, since more kids keep on joining
Friday, July 31, 2020
The Incentive Theory of Motivation
The Incentive Theory of Motivation Theories Print The Incentive Theory of Motivation Are Actions B a Desire for Rewards? By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on May 18, 2019 More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology What forces are behind our actions? Do you get up and head to the gym each day because you know its good for you, or is it because of some type of external reward? There are many different reasons why we do things. Sometimes we are motivated to act because of internal desires and wishes, but at other times, our behaviors are driven by a desire for external rewards. According to one theory of human motivation, our actions are often inspired by a desire to gain outside reinforcement. The incentive theory is one of the major theories of motivation and suggests that behavior is motivated by a desire for reinforcement or incentives. Illustration by JR Bee, Verywell Development of Incentive Theory to Explain Human Behavior Incentive theory began to emerge during the 1940s and 1950s, building on the earlier drive theories established by psychologists such as Clark Hull. How exactly does this theory account for human behaviors? Rather than focus on more intrinsic forces behind motivation, the incentive theory proposes that people are pulled toward behaviors that lead to rewards and pushed away from actions that might lead to negative consequences. Two people may act in different ways in the same situation based entirely on the types of incentives that are available to them at that time. You can probably think of many different situations where your behavior was directly influenced by the promise of a reward or punishment. Perhaps you studied for an exam in order to get a good grade, ran a marathon in order to receive recognition, or took a new position at work in order to get a raise. All of these actions were influenced by an incentive to gain something in return for your efforts. How Does Incentive Theory Work? In contrast with other theories that suggest we are pushed into action by internal drives (such as the drive-reduction theory of motivation, arousal theory, and instinct theory), incentive theory instead suggests that we are pulled into action by outside incentives. You can liken incentive theory to operant conditioning. Just as in operant conditioning, where behaviors are performed in order to either gain reinforcement or avoid punishment, incentive theory states that your actions are directed toward gaining rewards. What type of rewards? Think about what type of things motivate you to study hard and do well in school. Good grades are one type of incentive. Gaining esteem and accolades from your teachers and parents might be another. Money is also an excellent example of an external reward that motivates behavior. In many cases, these external rewards can motivate you to do things that you might otherwise avoid such as chores, work, and other tasks you might find unpleasant. Observations About Incentive Theory: Incentives can be used to get people to engage in certain behaviors, but they can also be used to get people to stop performing certain actions.Incentives only become powerful if the individual places importance on the reward.Rewards have to be obtainable in order to be motivating. For example, a student will not be motivated to earn a top grade on an exam if the assignment is so difficult that it is not realistically achievable. Why Some Incentives Are More Motivating Than Others Obviously, not all incentives are created equal and the rewards that you find motivating might not be enough to inspire another person to take action. Physiological, social, and cognitive factors can all play a role in what incentives you find motivating. For example, you are more likely to be motivated by food when you are actually hungry versus when you are full. A teenage boy might be motivated to clean his room by the promise of a coveted video game while another person would find such a game completely unappealing. The value of an incentive can change over time and in different situations, notes author Stephen L. Franzoi in his text Psychology: A Discovery Experience. For example, gaining praise from your parents may have positive incentive value for you in some situations, but not in others. When you are home, your parents praise may be a positive incentive. However, when your friends visit, you may go out of your way to avoid receiving parental praise, because your friends may tease you.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Outsourcing - 962 Words
The development of the worldwide economy has resulted in the United States companies to outsource its operations to less costing labor. This consequently led to these companies seeking employees from developing countries. The outsourcing is an initiative taken by these companies to seek both the skilled and unskilled personnel to offer their services to all industries. The information technology industry has been one of the industries in the U.S affected by outsourcing. For this effect, the New York State legislative bill A. 8284/S. 2317 was endorsed by act on August 1st 2007 (â€Å"The Offshore†, 2010). The law allows the Commissioner of Labor to alter or affect a report on matters associated with the offshore outsourcing of IT jobs and the future of New York State’s job market (â€Å"The Offshore†, 2010). This paper bases its arguments on the benefits and some dangers associated with offshoring mostly in the IT sector in the U.S companies (Goloboy et. Al 209). It also explores the factors leading to offshoring of IT jobs to developing countries. A rough estimate of the jobs to be affected by offshore outsourcing and finally the state and civic legislation concerning this exercise (Goloboy et. Al 209). BACKGROUND INFORMATION Many countries have considered it sensible to use off shore locations to offer high-quality products at a reduced cost; this is because the current business environment aims at reducing the costs of operations. A survey conducted in the year 2005 â€Å"estimated thatShow MoreRelatedSelecting a Locale for Global Outsourcing1087 Words  | 4 PagesSelecting a Locale for Global Outsourcing Introduction: The process of globalization is changing the way that companies large and small must conduct business to survive. From external factors such as the international laws and widely varying domestic tax policies to internal changes to personnel or process, free trade policies are altering operational strategy, especially for small companies engaging in growth. One of the most determinant changes brought on by free trade and its gradual permeationRead MoreOutsourcing And Its Advantages For A Company1225 Words  | 5 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Outsourcing can have more disadvantages for a company if the company does not take major precautions before proceeding. The purpose of this report is to (1) identify major IT outsourcing risks. (2) How to minimize the risk to out rule the disadvantages. There are many steps to successful outsourcing; here are the main ones gathered from the research. †¢ Be discreet when selecting your vendor , analyse there previous work †¢ Consult with an attorney before signing the contract †¢ MakeRead More How Outsourcing Affects the Economy Essay760 Words  | 4 PagesOutsourcing is nothing new. It is a difficult issue to handle and tackle, supporters and detractors agree on one thing. That outsourcing will not be eliminated to a complete. That is why I wrote on what is outsourcing, how it affect the economy, and can it be stop. The word outsourcing can be defined in a numbers of ways depending on the type of service and the form of relationship with the supplier. Also referred to as contracting out or buying in. May be the delegation or handing over to a thirdRead MoreInhouse Laundry Versus Outsourced Laundry960 Words  | 4 Pages C1213816R KUDZAISHE MUPFUMBA C1213618B NYARADZAI MANGARA C1212841G TAFADZWA MUTANDA C1213130W GETRUDE N TAKAPERA C1111059V Discuss the pros and cons of in house and outsourcing laundry No matter how large a hotel is there are times when it is faced by a decision of whether to outsource or do in house laundry. Historically conventional wisdom among same administrators was that operating an on premise laundry was moreRead MoreProposed Solutions for the Problems of the Multi-National Company of Chupa Chups793 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause of their presence in the industry. There were other instances where Chupa Chups developed its own distribution system for the products. I feel that there were opportunity costs involved with doing this that could have been defrayed by outsourcing the distribution and investing that capital into making candy. Proposed Solution(s): There are two options being recommended that will provide a solution to this problem. The first one assumes that Chupa Chups has a competitive advantageRead MoreEssay on Outsourcing Jobs To Foreign Countries1420 Words  | 6 PagesOutsourcing Jobs to Foreign Countries Due to the lack of employment in foreign countries, companies that outsource work overseas are not only beneficial to themselves but also to the service providers being employed. The initial benefit that catches the public’s eye from outsourcing is a cost reduction on the company’s part. But that is not the only benefit from outsourcing or even the key benefit that causes companies to outsource, on the other hand, outsourcing has its disadvantages as wellRead MoreUBTKM 1013 OCT Tutorial Questions1058 Words  | 5 Pagesstrategy as concentrated? If so, what are the plusses and minuses of using such a strategy in todays market? 3. For what reasons might a firm choose an option other than making a good or service in-house? Why is outsourcing on the rise? How is offshoring different from outsourcing? 4. Why are there more steps in the organizational buying process than in the consumer buying process? Explain why feedback between buyers and sellers is important to the marketing relationship. 5. Give an exampleRead MoreOutsourcing : Outsourcing And Outsourcing1541 Words  | 7 Pagesyears, although outsourcing has been seen as a common method used to achieve a successful business, many literatures on Information System still believe that most of the software could be better off build in-house and this can also be supported with the fact that there are evidences of organisations that took a significant damage from outsourcing. Therefore, whether or not a company should outsource part of their projects, it all depends on how the organisation manages its outsourcing system. This paperRead MoreMattel Toys Recall Case1068 Words  | 5 PagesMattel’s Motivations for Outsourcing Companies outsource for a variety of reasons. Most companies primarily outsource manufacturing, labor-intensive jobs to companies located in developing countries at a lower cost. If quality level is maintained, outsourcing can be a great value-added strategy. Through outsourcing, companies can achieve flexibility and are able to focus on their main business. Outsourcing may also enable companies to have access to resources and technology, which may be not haveRead MoreAirtel Managing All Its Functions Essay892 Words  | 4 Pagesscalable network, faster reach, better quality, providing enhanced services and to have a team of best persons to manage networks across the globe. Airtel’s strategy of outsourcing with Nokia Siemens and Ericson included buildup, maintenance and overhauling of network telecom equipment’s. Airtel’s contract was a two pronged outsourcing structure to its vendors. The vendors will provide network capacity requirements as mentioned in the agreement. Payment models were based on the customer utilization
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Themes in The Sun Also Rises Essay - 835 Words
Themes in The Sun Also Rises One theme that I found recurring throughout the novel, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, was love. Lady Brett Ashley was a beautiful woman who seemed to be irresistible to the men she became acquainted with. For example Robert Cohn, Bill Gorton, Pedro Romero, Mike Campbell, and last but not least Jake Barnes. Brett was ex ¬ tremely vulnerable to the charm that various men in her life seemed to smother her with. Brett was not happy with her life or her surroundings and sought escape and refuge in the arms of these men. All of these men had strong feelings for Brett. The only problem was that Brett had no feelings for any of those men, except for Jake. The only reason Jake and Brett†¦show more content†¦He loved Brett more than anything and he wanted her to be happy, so he set her up with Robert Cohn, which did not work out, and he also set her up with Pedro Romero. Although the feelings between Brett and Pedro may have been mutual, Brett did the right thing by giving him up; whatever Brett wanted, Jake was willing to give her because he wanted her to be happy. Love for Robert Cohn is a silly and naive love learned from storybook romances. For example the book that Robert Cohn read, The Purple Land, which was about an aging Englishman finding love in a romantic country seriously affected him. Robert had old-fashioned notions of love- he believed in commitment. Robert was too blind to realize that his kind of love was lost on Jakes crowd of friends, especially Brett. Robert was im ¬ mediately attracted to her. Since Brett may have been curious or just bored, she decided to go off with him to San Sebastian, Spain. What does their romance mean? For Brett, nothing; for Robert, everything. He believed that their affair was a perfect love. Robert could not stand to see Brett with another man; (Barrons Booknotes) even though they were not together he was jealous. Mike, Bretts fiancee, was too drunk and maybe too insecure to love. Bill Gorton picked up an American girl at the fiesta, but nothing serious came out of it. He was too cynical or too unfriendly to love. Pedro Romero was a manShow MoreRelatedThe Theme of Love in The Sun Also Rises648 Words  | 3 Pagesit can be shown through people’ s action. In most novels love is an unseen character yet it plays this strong force that moves the story along. Ernest Hemingway writes about a group of people who are trapped in a wearisome game of love. In The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes, the protagonist, is a journalist whose war injury causes him to be handicapped. He is madly in love with Lady Brett who loves him in return. However, they cannot complete their relationship because of Jake’s injury. Therefore allRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises Many Themes Are Seen995 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout Hemingway’s â€Å"The Sun Also Rises many themes are seen. Among them being Drinking, nature, the lost generation, masculinity, and sexuality. Probably the most important out of these would be that of sexuality. Within the book it is simply seen as a means to an end, the relationships are not usually well thought out or meaningful. Rather they simply serve a purpose of showing that one can be in one without being committed to anything at the same time. One of the biggest parts that shows ofRead MoreThemes Of The Catcher Rye And On The Sun Also Rises 1780 Words  | 8 PagesThe motifs and themes presented in both The Catcher in the Rye, and in The Sun Also Rises, present fascinating resemblances and differences in the psychological condition of the characters, loneliness and the search for a meaningful companionship after experiencing a loss of a loved one are thoroughly addressed in both books. The desires for fulfillment drive the characters into dangerous psychological states which they try to make up for with excessiveness in the form of alcohol use and promiscuousRead MoreThemes In Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises877 Words  | 4 Pages In ‘The Sun Also Rises,’ friendships are tested, romance is running high, and people reveal their true colors. There is a lot of drama that seems to unfold throughout the novel. The organization of the novel makes the drama seem more drast ic. ‘The Sun Also Rises’ doesnt seem to have an effect on today’s generation, or how we view society. This novel had many bumps and curves as it goes, but it was a pleasure to read. For me, this novel was very hard to follow. I couldnt seem to make senseRead MoreMasculinity in Hemingway ´s The Sun Also Rises756 Words  | 4 PagesHemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises has his male characters struggling with what it means to be a man in the post-war world. With this struggle one the major themes in the novel emits, masculine identity. Many of these â€Å"Lost Generation†men returned from that war in dissatisfaction with their life, the main characters of Hemingway’s novel are found among them. His main characters find themselves drifting, roaming around France and Spain, at a loss for something meaningful in their lives. The charactersRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Modernism1513 Words  | 7 PagesOne strong theme of modernism in literature is the attack and or decline of The American Dream. The American Dream is the idea that everyone, men, and women, have an equal opportunity to achieve wealth, success and or happiness through dete rmination, and hard work, in other words, the pursuit of happiness. Two writers that illustrate this theme of modernism are F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, and Ernest Hemingway, author of The Sun Also Rises. From the outside, one may think TheRead More Ernest Hemingway Essay868 Words  | 4 Pages Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Marvel â€Å"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever . . . The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose . . . The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits . . . .All the rivers run into the sea; ye the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they returnRead MoreCycle Of Life Essay Examples832 Words  | 4 Pagesthen go through the same changes as the one before it. The cycle of life theme is incorporated into many stories throughout history although the exact role the theme plays in each story can vary. One of the ways it can be seen is through the use of concrete examples, meaning someone is born and dies. Abstract examples are another way the cycle of life can be shown in stories. Abstract examples would include such things as the sun rising and setting which gives the reader a visual of time lapse. â€Å"LightningRead MoreThe Sonnets Of Shakespeare s Sonnets1396 Words  | 6 Pageswith Sonnet 7. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 7 strays from the main theme of love and romance, as it is mainly about youth turning into old age. The first four are as follows: â€Å"Lo! in the orient when the gracious light / Lifts up his burning head, each under eye / Doth homage to his new-appearing sight / Serving with looks his sacred majesty.†Already the theme of youth fleeing into old age can be seen; the â€Å"gracious light†refers to the sun, which rises in the east and sets in the west. The â€Å"orient†refers toRead MoreErnest Hemingway s The Sun Also Rises1353 Words  | 6 Pagesemotion or to get an important lesson or theme across to the readers. Other authors write to create a picture for others to see as the author sees it. Ernest Hemingway creates The Sun Also Rises to do both jobs. It’s a lot harder to visualize something if there is not enough description, but Hemingway uses the right amount of detail to paint a picture of every lesson he wants to te ach. Colors are a very important part of describing how things look, and they can also be used relatively with a strong characteristic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluate The Organization’s Involvement To The Community Free Essays
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was established on February 4, 1962. It was founded by an entertainer Danny Thomas. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate The Organization’s Involvement To The Community or any similar topic only for you Order Now Danny was revolutionized how children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases are treated around the world. The company’s core values, their vision and their mission explain the social responsibilities and factor that influence local and a national community. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital consists of enriching the life of children by advance means of prevention, for the cure of pediatric catastrophic diseases. Using a vast amount of research and treatment has cause a recent expansion in St Jude’s hospitals to expand its services nation wide. This modern treatment provides an opportunity for these children to live a meaningful life all while being treated. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital started as leader in research for munity-based alternative to institutional care. The need for alternative medicine and advance technological treatment of children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases was a determining factor that caused the organization to grow to what is known today. Summarize what factors have influenced the social responsibility strategies of the organization. The financial factor has a major influence in the strategies and social responsibility of the company. These funds are the fuel that keeps St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital striving for success. These funds not only pay employees but help families with medical cost and support. The factors that have caused St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital become a successful nonprofit organization can be seen in many other nonprofit companies. These companies strive to reach out to the community that has the most need, like children with Developmental disabilities, cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Does this organization have social initiative? If so what is it? The social initiative is to provide patients with exceptional medical care, it all started from St. Jude core values are to be true to their beliefs: respectful, honest, transparent and fair. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is determine to offer a broad combination of services based on the principle of full participation in community by advancing the treatment awareness and prevention of catastrophic diseases in children’s. Jude Children’s Research Hospital receive federal and state grants, donations, foundation funding. These funds are use to conduct research for Biomedical Engineering, Cytogenetic and Protein Production. All of this research is essential in the prevention and treatment of disease like cancer (2013). What are moral effects of the organization? The protocols that St Jude has created helped rates for childhood cancers from less than 20 percent when the hospital opened in 1962 to 80 percent today Research. (2012, 0507 02). The responsibilities of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are to the children with catastrophic diseases, their families, and to the donors that have committed their personal resources toward the mission. A major factor of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital determination for success is the fact that they’re a catholic religious hospital. Being able to generate Substantial amount donation has its moral debate. In the recent data collected science has proven the positive effect of stem cell research. Do to the catholic believe of the organization St. Jude will not fund research for cancer that has stem cells. How to cite Evaluate The Organization’s Involvement To The Community, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Corporate Values Beliefs free essay sample
The Corporate Values Beliefs Good Corporate Governance rests on ethical business behaviour of being fair and civic minded, fulfilling duties to the varied stakeholders and building integrity and faith across all its operations. It ensures application of sound business principles keeping in view the interest of shareholders, health and welfare of employees, needs of customers, and all other stakeholders. This calls for greater responsibility requiring openness, transparency and accountability. The Company endeavours to develop ethical behaviour through tradition, value based systems and commitment to the letter and spirit of laws of the society in which it operates. Based on the collection of values and beliefs, the Code is a comprehensive template of ethical and responsible behaviour for guiding the Companys actions and decisions. It is supplementary in nature and supportive to the core values underlying the corporate objectives. The Company has been applying several measures for checks and balances and have put in controls and processes commensurate with the size and nature of activities of the Company. We will write a custom essay sample on The Corporate Values Beliefs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An Audit Committee was also constituted with independent directors bringing more accountability at all levels. The Company endeavours to uphold good corporate governance and direct its practices towards ensuring transparency, full disclosure, independent monitoring and being fair to all. The Company firmly believes that such ethical practices will strengthen the stakeholders trust and enable the company to attract financial and human capital, perform efficiently and attain the underlying goal of maximizing long-term value for shareholders. The Company remains committed to laying strong emphasis on Corporate Governance and will continue its efforts towards raising the standards keeping pace with the changing economic environment. Objective The Company seeks to attain the highest level of standards in conducting its business and uphold good governance practices and corporate social responsibilities. In this context, the Company strives to direct its activities in all areas of business in line with the economic environment. Through these committed efforts, the Company endeavours to maintain high standards of ethical business behaviour and build trust amongst consumers, employees, shareholders and the community for sustainable growth and development. Underlying Core values The company shall uphold the core values underlying its business activities and growth, viz. Integrity through fairness, honesty and transparency; Understanding by caring respect, compassion and humanity. Excellence through the highest possible standards quality of work; Unity through strong relationships based on tolerance, understanding and mutual cooperation. Responsibility in the dealings with people, community and society. National interest The Company shall direct its business activities keeping in view the benefit towards economic development of the society in which it operates. It shall ensure that none of its activities adversely affect or defeat the objectives nor is detrimental to the interest of the nation or have any adverse impact on society or life of its citizens. The business activities shall be conducted in accordance with the policies, objectives and priorities of the government. Corporate citizenship The Company shall be committed to be a good corporate citizen by complying with all relevant laws and regulations, improvement the standards of performance and keeping in view the development of the people and society in which it conducts its business. The Company shall continuously review its systems and procedures and in line with the practices required as per the policies announced by the Government from time to time. Competition The Company shall conduct its business and affairs in line with the principles of a competitive and open market economy. Its activities shall not be conducted in a way which has the tendency of forming or engaging in monopolistic, restrictive or unfair trade practices. It shall engage in marketing its products and services on a free and fair and competitive manner and shall not adopt any unfair measure nor shall mislead about competitors products and services. Quality Standards The goods and services supplied by the Company shall be of the highest quality standards backed by adequate after-sales service capable of ensuring satisfaction of customers. The quality standards of the goods and services shall meet the required standards. Health; safety and environment The Company shall strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment and carry on its business affairs by complying with all rules and regulations. It shall prevent the wasteful use of natural resources and minimise any hazardous impact from production, use and disposal of its products and services. Equal-opportunities employer Equal opportunities shall be provided by the Company to its employees and all qualified applicants for employment, without regard to their race, caste, religion, colour, marital status, age, sex, nationality and disability. The Company shall treat its employees with dignity and as per the policies of the Company. Shareholders The company shall conduct its business and pursue its objectives to enhance shareholder value. It shall comply with all regulations and laws that govern shareholders rights. The Board of Directors of the company shall duly and fairly inform its shareholders about all relevant aspects of the companys business on a continuous basis. It shall be the responsibility of every employee and directors of the Company for the implementation of and compliance with this code in his or her areas of operation. Ethical conduct Every employee and director of the company, including whole-time directors and the managing director, shall deal on behalf of the company with professionalism, honesty and integrity, as well as high moral and ethical standards. Their conduct shall be fair, transparent and perceivable by third parties. They shall not directly or indirectly divulge or engage in any activity which may adversely affect the growth, development and well being of the Company. Regulatory compliance Every employee of the company shall comply with the applicable laws and regulations, concerning all the areas in which he or she operates. If the standards set out in the applicable laws and regulations are lower than the code, then the standards of the code shall prevail. Financial reporting and records The company shall keep proper books of accounts and prepare its financial statements which shall give true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company. The accounts shall be prepared and maintained fairly and accurately in accordance with the accounting and financial reporting standards and in line with the generally accepted guidelines, principles, standards, laws and regulations applicable to the Company. All the business transactions of the Company shall be fairly and accurately reflected by the internal accounting and audit procedures. There shall be no willful omissions of any company transactions and all required information shall be accessible. Gifts and donations No illegal payments, gifts, donations, remuneration, or other similar benefits shall be received, offered or made directly or indirectly by the Company and its employees or directors for the conduct of its business. However, they may accept and offer nominal gifts, which are customarily given and of a commemorative nature, on special occasions. Government agencies No funds or property of the Company shall be offered or given directly or through intermediaries as donation to any government agencies or their representatives by the Company and its employees for obtaining any favourable performance of official duties. Protecting company assets The Companys assets shall not be misused but employed for the purpose of conducting business for which they are intended. Such assets include tangible assets such as plant machinery, systems tools equipments, facilities utilities, materials resources etc. Political non-alignment The company shall not support, directly or indirectly, any specific political party or candidate and shall not offer or give any funds or property of the Company as donations, directly or indirectly, to any specific political party, candidate or campaign. Third-party representation Any third parties having business dealings with the company such as consultants, agents, sales representatives, distributors, contractors, suppliers, etc. hall not be authorised to represent the company if their business conduct and ethics are found to be inconsistent with this code. Public representation of the company and the Group The company shall value the information requirements of the public and its stakeholders. For disclosing companys information to public constituencies such as media, financial community, customers, employees and shareh olders, the Company shall be represented only by specifically authorised directors and employees. Companys policies The companys policies and guidelines formulated periodically by the management shall be recommended to the board of directors for adoption. Use of the Companys brand The Companys name and trademark shall be used as per the manuals, codes and agreements issued by Company. Cooperation among companies The Company shall cooperate with companies in the group or other companies operating in the same industrial sector or activity as long as its business interests and shareholder value is not adversely affected. Concurrent employment No employee of the company shall accept employment or a position of responsibility with any other company, nor provide freelance services to anyone without the prior approval of the Managing Director of the company. In the case of a Whole-time Director or the Managing Director, prior approval must be obtained from the Board of Directors of the company for providing such services. Conflict of interest Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code, no employee or director of the company shall engage in any business, relationship or activity which might detrimentally conflict with the interest of the company. Such conflict of interest may arise where an employee or a director directly or indirectly: a. ) is engaged in business, relationship or activity with a party to a transaction with the company, b. ) is in a position to derive a personal benefit or a benefit to any of his or her relatives by making or influencing decisions relating to any transaction; c. ) by his conduct makes it difficult for exercising an independent judgement in the Companys interest. The actual or potential conflicts of interest may arise in different areas, such as: ) Financial interest of an employee or a director or their relatives, including the holding of an investment in the company or any firm being a competitor, supplier, customer, distributor, joint venture or other alliance partner of the company. ii) An employee of the company conducting business on behalf of his or her company, or being in a position to influence a decision with regard to the companys business. iii) Award or benefit, where such an indi vidual is able to influence the decision with regard to such benefits. v)Acceptance of gifts, donations, hospitality and/or entertainment beyond the customary level from parties having business dealings with the company. Notwithstanding the existence of any conflict of interest full disclosure should be made by the concerned employee or director. The disclosure shall be made in writing to the immediate superior who shall forward the same along with comments to the person designated for this purpose who in turn will place it before the MD/CEO and/or the board of directors/executive committee appointed by the board. Upon a decision being taken in the matter, the employee concerned will be required to take necessary action to resolve/avoid the conflict. If an employee or director fails to make a disclosure, and the management (in case of a director the Board) becomes aware of such conflict of interest it shall take a serious view of the matter and consider suitable disciplinary action against the employee or director, as the case may be. Securities transactions and confidential information No employee or director of the Company shall directly or indirectly disclose or divulge any confidential information about the Company nor derive any enefit directly or indirectly from access to and possession of such information about the company. They shall also not use or proliferate information not available to the investing public and which therefore shall constitutes insider information for making or giving advice on investment decisions on the securities of the company. Such insider information may be on profits, earnings and dividends; finances; major supply delivery agreements; introduction or development of new product; investment decisions/plans; acquisition/ divestiture of businesses; asset revaluations; restructuring plans; etc. Reporting concerns It shall be the duty of every employee or director of the company to promptly report to the management or the Board, as the case may be, of any actual or possible violation of this code, or an event he or she has become aware of that could affect or have a bearing on the business or reputation of the Company. Integrity of data furnished Every employee or director of the Company shall ensure integrity of data or information furnished by him or her to the Company. Citizenship An employee or director of the company shall in his or her private life be free to pursue an active role in civic or political affairs as long as it does not adversely affect the business or interests of the Company or conflict with any of the provisions of this code. The covenant and the code The Company shall adhere to good corporate governance conforming to accepted practices. It shall uphold and show ethical and responsible behaviour towards its stakeholders including shareholders, employees, consumers, suppliers, lenders, regulators, etc. It shall ensure a transparent and fair administration through governance structure viz. , the law of the land; the ethical code; and the information reporting system for checks and balances. Fair practices The Company shall adhere to ethical business practices and shall ensure that its people adhere to the highest ethical standards. All the employees and directors of the Company shall conduct and discharge their duties and responsibilities in a fair manner and maintain high standards of ethical behaviour. In this direction the Company shall have appropriate system in areas like Communication and training people on ethical issues; Addressing concerns and dilemmas confronting the Company; Framing and disseminating policies and guidelines; Vigilance and whistle-blowing issues etc. Savings Nothing in this code shall affect the operation or applicability of any order, rule, regulation, agreement, resolution, directive, policies, guideline, proceeding or things done under or in pursuance of any applicable laws for the time being in force. Provided that if the standards set out in the applicable laws and regulations are lower than those specified in this code, then the standards of the code shall prevail. This code of conduct shall be reviewed periodically for continuing the efforts towards raising the standards in corporate governance and reviewing the systems and procedures constantly in order to keep pace with the priorities and changing economic environment.
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